So after much deliberation!! I've finally decided what to do for my 1st date- and no- I'm not telling! but, here are some of the other ideas I came across.... enjoy!
Ice-cream parlourGet a really, really, really big sundae & split it. Bicker over toppings. Then, when you’re done, find somewhere to lie down & talk about how sick you feel. A bonding experience to be sure!
Have a five-course dinner… at different placesHave an appetiser at one place, soup somewhere else, a main here, a dessert there, & coffee at your favourite cafe.
Play truth or dareAwesome.
Three-hour make-out sessionChoose a good location & use a stopwatch if necessary. Sounds like a good way to spend an afternoon to me.
Wake up at 4am & watch the sunrise togetherMaybe not first date material, but perhaps third or fourth. What could be better than sitting close on a rooftop somewhere, talking & laughing & watching the sun come up? Take a flask of hot coffee for extra points.
Do something neither of you have done beforePottery class? Swing dancing lessons? Hiring a moped & driving out into the country? Who knows, but it’s nice to share an experience that is new to both of you!
Random restaurant dateSearch
Yelp for restaurants in your area, close your eyes, roll your mouse & point at the screen. Just like the mystery band date, you never know how it’ll go — it could be a hidden treasure or a total health hazard, but that’s part of the fun, isn’t it?!
The silent dateIn a loud, noisy, overstimulating world, it can be nice to unplug & escape. But it can be nice to do that with your new favourite person, too. Hold hands & read books on a wharf & occasionally look adoringly at one another. Cool.
Make cupcakes togetherYou know you want to.
Make a video & put it on YoutubeYou could really do anything & make a video of it, but it does at least give you a purpose & a goal. Plus, later on you have a record of what went on — & a slew of idiotic comments to wade through. Haha!
Liveblog your dateUpload pictures,
tweet it, even give it a hash-tag. #evan&madelinesfirstdate. Cute.