If someone gets you something for a birthday present: and you don't like it.... should you pretend to like it???
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Spoke Too Soon...
Okay, so maybe I spoke too soon! Perhaps having a fight is something I'd rather avoid! But where does one draw the line when you have a difference in opinion and personality?
Relationships are more complex than they seem- you find yourself doing things you were not accustomed to doing. So here's my other dilemma: as much as I want to share everything- I can't really bare all the intricate details of my relationship here (which I'm sure my boyfriend would have an issue with) but at the same time, I'd like to keep an open mind about the decisions I make- and this usually involves listening to other peoples opinions! The only thing I can say without doubt, is that communication is the seed of my relationship!

Moving along, my birthday turned out...uhm...rather norrmal I guess! Had a loooooooooong boring exam, and the weather was a drag.My friends and I were meant to go for drinks after the paper, which we didn't because of the horrible (jealous) weather! and, besides that, they all had excuses. Okay one had to go to a funeral, one had no money, one had to study, one had plans with her boyfriend and the other would've only come along if I was going to pay! They all left. I felt alone. I felt like it was unfair how they all had excuses, but on their birthdays, I make an effort! The only people who wanted to see me: are my guy friends. So I ended up going to see one. Although the only other person I wanted to spend my birthday with was my boyfriend! Whom I was reluctant to go see cause I feel like I'm distracting him from studying! Oh well. I realised that my birthday is just another day to everyone else. That's the reality of it I guess!
And of course, I was right- my mom didn't wish me a happy birthday (for the 5th year in a row now) It's starting to seem like a tradition! At least my party is on saturday! 5 days left! Countdown is on!
P.S: being 20 really isn't as exciting as I thought it would be! Mwah my lovies
Friday, June 8, 2012
Teen days are over!
Okay, so today is officially my last day as a teenager!! *screams* okay wait, that sounds like something a teenager does! *CUT! take two_ ACTION!* Today is officially my last day as a teenager!! *sexy smirk* and since I'm writing an exam tomorrow, I guess I can't do anything interesting... BUT not all hope is lost, since I'll be grabbing drinks with some friends tommorow after the paper!! I'll be sure to share pictures of that!
Anyway, my party is about a week away! And I only have half an outfit... which reminds me of a funny story: last week I went shopping for a pair of black heels, (which I couldn't find) then ended up buying a pair of green heels!! yah I know. I don't even own anything green to match the damn shoes with!!
Imma pair em with white socks, and cute shorts! If anyone can pulloff a pair of green heels: I CAN!
*sigh* I can't help but think how not celebrating my birthday with my mom has become such a trend! This morning she barely said a word to me <actually she didnt say anything to me> and as stupid as it sounds, I die a little inside when my own mother doesn't say "Happy Birthday." I hope I'm wrong...
Moving on... does anyone else have a boyfriend who calls at 3am on a school night??!! lmao, I do!! Funny, if anyone else calls me at that time; I get a little irritated! but when it's him: I even smile. Gosh! I'm actaually waiting for the day when I'll be mad at him! Really!!
Confession time: I've always been such a flirt! I mean even when I dated other guys (some which I'd rather choose to forget) I'd still flirt with a bunch oof other guys! But now, I feel really bad about it! Like last night on bbm
Kenny*: What you doing tonight? lets drink!
Me: I can't. :( live with mom- can't go out without prior arrangement!
Kenny*: Ok, how about a massage then?
Me: Oh yeah, I'm actually quite good at those!
Kenny*:Hmmm I'm on my way...
Me: Really now...
Kenny*: Ok, so I'm out and just waiting for you to jump out your house and sneak me into your bedroom!
Me: I'm a good girl! Don't get ideas!
(*) - name has been changed to protect the offender's integrity
okay, so I guess I could see where the convo was leading and honestly, I felt really bad!! What has my boyfriend done to me??!!! I dunno, he must be something special if being with him has made me feel bad about things I used to do! This is all very strange...
Anyway... till tommorow my lovies....MWAH!
Anyway, my party is about a week away! And I only have half an outfit... which reminds me of a funny story: last week I went shopping for a pair of black heels, (which I couldn't find) then ended up buying a pair of green heels!! yah I know. I don't even own anything green to match the damn shoes with!!
Imma pair em with white socks, and cute shorts! If anyone can pulloff a pair of green heels: I CAN!
*sigh* I can't help but think how not celebrating my birthday with my mom has become such a trend! This morning she barely said a word to me <actually she didnt say anything to me> and as stupid as it sounds, I die a little inside when my own mother doesn't say "Happy Birthday." I hope I'm wrong...
Moving on... does anyone else have a boyfriend who calls at 3am on a school night??!! lmao, I do!! Funny, if anyone else calls me at that time; I get a little irritated! but when it's him: I even smile. Gosh! I'm actaually waiting for the day when I'll be mad at him! Really!!
Confession time: I've always been such a flirt! I mean even when I dated other guys (some which I'd rather choose to forget) I'd still flirt with a bunch oof other guys! But now, I feel really bad about it! Like last night on bbm
Kenny*: What you doing tonight? lets drink!
Me: I can't. :( live with mom- can't go out without prior arrangement!
Kenny*: Ok, how about a massage then?
Me: Oh yeah, I'm actually quite good at those!
Kenny*:Hmmm I'm on my way...
Me: Really now...
Kenny*: Ok, so I'm out and just waiting for you to jump out your house and sneak me into your bedroom!
Me: I'm a good girl! Don't get ideas!
(*) - name has been changed to protect the offender's integrity
okay, so I guess I could see where the convo was leading and honestly, I felt really bad!! What has my boyfriend done to me??!!! I dunno, he must be something special if being with him has made me feel bad about things I used to do! This is all very strange...
Anyway... till tommorow my lovies....MWAH!
Monday, June 4, 2012
All but a memory...
Okay, so there are four days left until I turn 20!!! And people keep asking me why I'm making such a big deal of it... considering "THE 21st" birthday is the one I should go all out for.... thing is, the last four birthdays have been bad:
2011 my phone was stolen the day before my birthday and mom was pissed at me for a whole week
2010 my grandfather passed away on the 2nd of June and spent my birthday at a funeral (in rural areas)
2009 was writing June exams for matric and parents were on my case cause they thought I would fail
2008 June exams (again) which I did actually fail! lol and lets not rewind to grade 10
So shoot me if I want to celebrate this year, I mean, what if something happens next year and I end up not celebrating??!! I say, "live for today" and another great man once said "Y.O.L.O" so June 16th- it's on!!
Moving on, our house is officially under construction!! I went there last night and the builders had already taken the roof off. As stupid as this is going to sound, seeing the stars while you're in your house is actually quite cool!
2011 my phone was stolen the day before my birthday and mom was pissed at me for a whole week
2010 my grandfather passed away on the 2nd of June and spent my birthday at a funeral (in rural areas)
2009 was writing June exams for matric and parents were on my case cause they thought I would fail
2008 June exams (again) which I did actually fail! lol and lets not rewind to grade 10

Of course mom is against it, but she really has no reason to say no! As usual, dad supports me 100%, and if one parent consents then that counts as permission hahaha. All there is to do now, is to enjoy my last 4 days as a teenager, and the rest will be all but a memory.
Moving on, our house is officially under construction!! I went there last night and the builders had already taken the roof off. As stupid as this is going to sound, seeing the stars while you're in your house is actually quite cool!
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