Okay, so as much as I'm a modern woman who expects to be treated equally in a relationship, I have to admit- there are still things that guys can do to make us feel special. I mean, it's the small things that count...
Please note: You don't have to do ALL these things for your girlfriend. Doing all of them is actually a bad idea — she will become spoiled; you will become whipped. Pick one or two of these mind-blowingly simple things; your happy girlfriend will be grateful to have you and will most likely reciprocate. (Speaking of blowing.)
- Hold the door fpr her
- Opening the car door
- Offering your jacket when she's chilly
Comes up behind her and putting your arms around her waist
- If you’re meeting for dinner, get there before her and have a glass of wine waiting. [OK, so this one costs money, but getting drunk together has good consequences, right?]
- Make her a drink. (Without a shirt on!)
- Tell her she looks sexy. Not cute,or hot - sexy.
- Listen when she comes home upset about something and sympathize even if it sort of doesn’t make any sense.
- Let her have the last handful of popcorn or whatever you are sharing.
- Leave a note on the fridge that’s cute and nice, even if it just says “hi!” or an inside joke you two have
Thank me later!
and on a completely unrelated topic...
#1 You start stalking him (yes, checking his twitter and facebook every 5 minutes counts)
#2 You talk about him all the time (no one asked about him, but you still talked about him anyway, I'm also guessing that no one wants to know)
#3 You become super jealous (he talks to the girl who sits behind him and you suddenly want to skin her alive)
#4 When he says "Hi", your mouth suddenly goes dry
#5 Visualising him naked during a lecture
Lol! I don't relate to anything I just mentioned there (really)