Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A bleeding heart

Okay, so some days I just feel like, turning off my phone. Packing up my shit. Leaving without saying a word. And going ghost for a few weeks. It would just be great to be in my own little bubble, apart from the occasional anxiousness of waiting for a call I know I'm not going to receive. *sigh* Waiting is painful, trying to forget is painful, but not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering. Especially when the one person I really want to talk to, is the person I need to stay away from! Its funny, really. I'm starting to see him in a new light. As principled as I thought he was, I hate how he has double standards. When it comes to me- his principles and values are only an issue when it's convenient for him. I mean, if you're going to be principled: be principled monday to sunday! Further more, don't tell me you care about me and that you're there for me if it's just words! Everytime I move 2 steps forward- I manage to move 5 steps back. I almost regret the whole relationship. I can't help but wonder if my life would've been better, had I not met him. Not that I blame him for anything but hey, that's just how I feel!
Moral of this story: the scary thing about dating is that you're either going to get married or break up! :/ (Yes, that's me trying to depress you!)