Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Okay I know I've seriously been neglecting my duties as an editor, but I've just had a lot on my plate. Uhm... where to begin? I guess I should start by saying that I'm single again! Yep, my boyfriend erh scratch that- my EX turned out to be a real psycho!! We broke up after a mere two months. (We broke up <TRANSLATION> I Was dumped via BBM) then he has the audacity to send me nasty messages!
Message: I'm so disgusted that I even dated you and you better not have given me anything otherwise imma get you bitch!
All I did was ignore him, but it hurts to think that someone feels the need to send me messages like this! And to make matters worse- I did nothing wrong! Guys are just weird.

Anyway, moving right along... I just realised valentines day is two weeks away and I'm SINGLE! *frustrated face* seriously cupid, please aim better this time! I can't believe how difficult it is to get a decent guy these days...

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