Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Stranger on my own blog???

Okay, I'll be the first to say it's been almost a year since my last post *face palm enfused with shocked face* I guess I just got a little busy. Okay I'm lying. No one is that busy! So I guess I owe you guys a very updated, erh, update...

1. Since I graduated... it's been a rough year. In March, I hosted an event at an upmarket club in Rosebank.I tell you it's harder than it looks. However there's more to that story- I planned the entire event with 3 other guys for 2 months. Then a week before the event, one of the guys demanded 35% of the profits or he'd pull out. I told him where to get off, and as expected, he bailed.(He's still sour about it) Then he decided he wanted me to pay him for coming up with the name "Frivolous Fridays" and for designing the flyer. I refused to part with a cent. Ended up having to change the whole concept and flyers 3 days before the event. It wasn't a flop, but it wasn't an epic success either! I managed to break even. Paid the Djs, and other parties involved, and had a meesly R500 left. After all that effort!! Club owner was impressed and wanted me to plan another event. I agreed, then realised it was a bad idea. So yes, there was never a second event.

2. I moved out of my mom's house. I must say, freedom is SCHWEEEEET! Nobody giving you curphews, nobody giving you funny looks when you get home at an odd hour and best of all, not having to ask for permission and explain yourself when random plans pop up. I can get home and get straight into bed, then wake up at 2am and make a sandwich, *sigh* it's an awesome feeling. It was good while it lasted, cause I actually moved back to her house about a week ago. (No reference to the Bobby Shurda song) The short of it - being an adult is hard. Tried it for a year. Constantly having to worry about rent, food, transport etc. is super stressful. Maybe I should just enjoy being a kid while I stilll can... or NOT! I was told to contribute a portion of my salary to houseold stuff.

3. I GOT A JOB!!! Nothing too glamourous, and no, I don't earn a 5 digit paycheck, but it's a start. It's a financial services company headed by my boss, whose not in his mid-forties. I'm his PA, turns out you can be the MD of an accounting firm before you're 30. He inspires me. I guess I have another 8 years to totally transform myself. *Looks in mirror* - probably not! But... on a serious note, I'm looking forward to gaining the experience I need.

4. I got over my ex and moved on!!! (YEY ME!) It all happened very quickly- (by quickly, I mean a week) Initially I thought he'd be a rebound. Not to mention he had a girlfriend when I met him. (No I didn't break them up) The way we met was funny, but I can't share that part with you. Anyway, I've been with him for 6 months now, and I must say, he's amazing. (I guess they all are after 6 months), but really, dating him has made me realise the things I missed out on with my ex. Not that I'm comparing them. Never that! but, there are a lot of things I compromised with my ex, small things, things that made me happy. Like celebrating Valentines day, or going on double dates with my bestie, or random romantic messages, and most importantly, hearing "I love you". As cheesy as it sounds, you don't realise how significant those small things are, until you date someone who doesn't do them.

5. I had a business idea that failed. It was an awesome idea. Everyone will agree there, but I kept doubting myself and procrastinating. In the end, when I decided to follow through with it, it was too late. I had missed the tender submission deadline by A DAY! I guess I sometimes have trouble believing in myself and my own capabilities and I just have this wild idea that I'm not the kind of person who waits on one paycheck every month. I feel like I have more to offer the world and myself. So yes, I have a new idea, but it needs a team of people who are willing to believe in me and take me on as a project!!! All I have to do now: is find those people...

6. Being a Christian has taken a new turn for me. Going to Bible study cell groups has totally changed my perspective on my religion. For the first time, I genuinely want to grow in faith and become a devout Christian who leads a straight Christian lifestyle. I'd love to learn verses and quote them word for word- but my brain wasn't built for that. However, being a Christian is far harder than I thought it would be. I find myself opting for sins of the flesh, than "fruits of the spirit". I'd still rather go to a party than go to church- so I guess I'm still off track. I have no doubt that there have been some scenarios in the last few months which I believe were miracles, but I'm sure some would bet it was pure coincidence. My journey is far from it's end, and I'll strive to practise the WWJD phenomenon. I'm proud to say, I've returned to my duties of being a sunday school teacher!! It's fun to have kids for 2 hours once a week! (but everyday? I don't know how parents do it)

7. Friendships are hard to nurture when you work AND live at home. I sometimes find myself feeling like I don't have enough friends, but whenever I try to reach out to them, they're also busy. So I guess I'm not the only one. It's just very difficult to balance, romance, family and a social life (and a curphew). I just hope I'll master the art soon.

That's basically it. A 7-point round up of my life at this very moment. Interesting, isn't it?