Monday, September 17, 2012

Whisper sweet nothings to me Baby...

Okay, under normal circumstances, I really do try to avoid being cheesy!!! BUT, once in a while, I have to fall prey to being a sucker for romance!! By now, you should know (assuming you've been keeping up with previous posts) that thy dearly beloved boyfriend is not, I repeat NOT romantic!! I think he had a mere slip up. Lol. I should admit, I like how he's not all "mooshy" about his feelings and if he was always romantic- it would take out the element of suprise!! Anyway, lets get to the point... A message I received (that made me smile like an idiot for 30 minutes straight- following a painful jaw) while I was in the library.

"  I love your smile... And I don't think that there's anything that compares to it. If you stop smiling, that will be the death of me."

awwwwww, should this be a poem or what!!!! Need I add, that for someone who claims to be anti-romantic, I think I'm making him a softy.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Head Above Water

Okay, so this might be a considered a boring post... there's no drama to spill the beans on! Things are welll. For the first time in a long time- everything is FINE. Things with mom are good. Relationship with my boyfriend is great, school work- I'm getting back on track. My life is pretty much drama free but for how long? thats what I keep asking myself. It's my baby sister's birthday tommorw. She's turning 12, then it hit me- she's going to be a teenager next year! No wonder she's been so cheeky lately! I can't stand the attitude she's been dishing out to everyone lately. Reminds me a little of myself when I was that age *sigh*
Anyway, even though she's a little devil, still have to get her a gift. Hope it does'nt take too long to find one! I think I overheard her mentioning something about a diary with a lock... (bad idea) but hey, if she wants one- she'll get one. Gotta rush to class! MWAH